
"Those who believe in telekinetics, raise my hand" - Kurt Vonnegut

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Do you ever feel like dis?

Sometimes I feel underestimated. Sometimes I feel like a pup with a bunch of people analyzing me, making snapshots of who they think I am... or who they want me to be. Its so amazing how the beauty of life can be captured in a snapshot, but how people can't. People are fluid. We are dynamic creatures, ever evolving. Perhaps we are not though. Could it be we are just one thing?! A collection of cells overrating ourselves. Multi-faceted, yes. But who really takes the time to find those facets? I am who I am, but I refuse to stand still. I want to live my life like a kid on a sugar high. Like a puppy that plays till it sleeps. Like a tiger who roars no matter what its size. If I am one being, stuck with myself to the end, may I twist and spin and shout and fight and give and love until I am no more. Live life like its meant to be lived, like we dream of living.


If there's anything I love more than dinosaurs, its pancakes. Combine the two.... GENIUS!!

Friday, September 24, 2010

The Weekend about to be...

My good good friend Dennis the russian is coming up to hang out this weekend, here's whats on the plate...

Friday night - Zig Zag bar, just rated by GQ as the number 1 bar in America. Conveniently its a 10 min. walk from my apartment.

Saturday - Fremont Octoberfest! Where else can you find Chainsaw pumpkin carving contests and more beer gardens than you shake a boot at
And finally, heading to the Artisan food festival on Sunday. Check it out here http://www.artisanfoodfestival.org/index.html

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Seattle Love

Here's your Seattle picture of the day...

Design of the Day

So I really like this "table" if you can call it that. The blocks are actually floating, held in place by alittle bit of wire and "magic" according to their website *cough cough MAGNETS cough cough*. Anywho, I'm going to build my own, and no, it's not going to be as squeaky as the bed I made in college (although a floating bed like this would be killer). If you see Magneto strollin around, send him my way... I've got a project to work on.

Could I have been anyone other than me...

So do you ever have career day at school? Where you dressed up like what you wanted to be when you grew up? It was one of my favorite days ever, and my costume had to be PERFECT. From the years I can remember, here's what I was:

1. Scientist
2. Hiker
3. Spaceman

So now, many years later, I think its time to honor those lofty childhood aspirations. I refuse to let go to waste those days searching for the perfect hiking stick, wrapping everything I had in "space foil" , and wearing my dad's white button down as a lab coat. I will be fulfilling everyone of these childhood dreams in some way or another.

Today, to satisfy my "hiker" ambition (I don't think I realized as a child you can't get paid to hike) I signed up for Emergency Search and Rescue training for the state of Washington. After 6 weekends in the wilderness learning how to locate and treat hikers, skiiers, lost people, downed aircraft, the lost ark , and strangely enough alzheimers patients, I'll be part of an official search and rescue team. We even do crime scene evidence collection which is kinda cool. Anyways, I'll be talking about my training experiences as they come, so check back often!

Oh, and let me know what you wanted to be when you grew up!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Seattle Love

So far I love Seattle, and I'm gonna show that love by posting cool events and pictures. 

Thanks to the Seattlest for finding this. Now the question is... do I host or attend?

Sometimes all you want to do is sit in a stranger’s house, drink questionable homemade lemonade, associate with awkward film buffs and check out a few short films. Is that so much to ask? Not in Seattle! Because this fine city has what is known as Couch Fest, the increasingly popular, irreverent and slightly uncomfortable film festival that takes place in your (and others’) very own home.

Now in its third year, Couch Fest somehow manages to convince enough fearless Seattleites to open their homes to complete unknowns for the sake of bolstering the city’s film community. You can rub elbows with some fellow cinephiles, make new friends and see some great shorts created right here in Seattle.

There are three ways you can get involved. Firstly, you can pencil in Couch Fest for your busy Sunday, November 7. Just making time to express your support for local film efforts is always appreciated and needed. Plus, it’ll be loads of fun.

Second, you can offer your humble abode as a host house. Explains the (hilarious) website “You are, first, suppose to enjoy yourself. To host, you should be excited about opening your glorious residency to film lovers. On the day of the event, a new set of film lovers will be coming to your house every hour. They will watch a 30-minute program of short amazing movies. There will be a 5-minute intermission.

At a basic level, you should have a TV and a DVD player. Other than that, it's up to you. Some houses are excited about hosting and have developed themes.”

Finally, for all you Godards-to-be, you can submit your own cinematic work for consideration in the festival. The fairly lose guidelines can be found here. Submissions are due by October 10! Winners are guaranteed these delightful prizes: Golden Couch: A Massive Trophy and 2 Nights at my Parents’ House, Silver Couch: A Respectable Trophy and Legal Brownies, Bronze Couch: An Awe Inspiring Medal and a Thoughtful Mix Tape. Rad!

So pop a squat, cozy up to your film-loving neighbor, bring your finest Snuggie and enjoy Couch Fest 2010.

November 7, 12 - 5 p.m. // city-wide // FREE

Check out this rock-tease

Music for Life

Ok so I loooove good music, and I'll try to bring you some of the stuff rocking my world lately.

The Head & The Heart are a cool local band, I think they've got a pretty sweet bluegrassy sound (reminds me of the motherland Kentucky), but this video just confuses me.
1. Where the hell did all those people come from in the second song? seriously
2. Tripod. Ok that wasn't a question, but the camera work sure is questionable
3. Again second song... if its so cold, why does that one dude have on such short shorts? Its like he checked the forecast, saw it would be cold and thought, "Gonna be a good day for the tan sweatshirt! Saweeet!" Then forgot about said weather forecast and couldn't resist the newly ironed pair of short shorts sitting in his drawer. Robby's fashion advice of the day: Jeans work well with everything. Short shorts work... well....they don't work.

Check out for yourself, then go take a shower to wash the hippie off of you.

The Doe Bay Sessions - The Head & The Heart from Sound on the Sound on Vimeo.

Design of the Day

Ok, so now that I have my first apartment to myself in the post-college era, I found I actually enjoy well designed stuff. In another life, I may have been a designer of some sort (but still totally straight). Everyday...er...every once in awhile.... I'll post something cool for all you hip people viewing my blog. Actually, if you're hip, you're probably too busy discussing austrialian indie bands and pretending not to care about anything. Whatever.

OK, so I read an article about this "dont-use-too-much-water-or-you'll-kill-the-cute-goldfish" sink. I get the idea, that you are trying to save water, and when you are done torturing a fish...I mean... washing your hands, the bowl fills back up. Ahhh you so clever! But did you ever stop to think that YOURE WASHING YOUR HANDS WITH GOLDFISH POOP! Kinda defeats the purpose of washing your hands eh?

First Blog Post

So I've moved to Seattle, where everyone is techy and introspective and emo to some degree... so I decided to start a blog. Plus I'm kinda bored. Enjoy