
"Those who believe in telekinetics, raise my hand" - Kurt Vonnegut

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Music for Life

Ok so I loooove good music, and I'll try to bring you some of the stuff rocking my world lately.

The Head & The Heart are a cool local band, I think they've got a pretty sweet bluegrassy sound (reminds me of the motherland Kentucky), but this video just confuses me.
1. Where the hell did all those people come from in the second song? seriously
2. Tripod. Ok that wasn't a question, but the camera work sure is questionable
3. Again second song... if its so cold, why does that one dude have on such short shorts? Its like he checked the forecast, saw it would be cold and thought, "Gonna be a good day for the tan sweatshirt! Saweeet!" Then forgot about said weather forecast and couldn't resist the newly ironed pair of short shorts sitting in his drawer. Robby's fashion advice of the day: Jeans work well with everything. Short shorts work... well....they don't work.

Check out for yourself, then go take a shower to wash the hippie off of you.

The Doe Bay Sessions - The Head & The Heart from Sound on the Sound on Vimeo.

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