
"Those who believe in telekinetics, raise my hand" - Kurt Vonnegut

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Could I have been anyone other than me...

So do you ever have career day at school? Where you dressed up like what you wanted to be when you grew up? It was one of my favorite days ever, and my costume had to be PERFECT. From the years I can remember, here's what I was:

1. Scientist
2. Hiker
3. Spaceman

So now, many years later, I think its time to honor those lofty childhood aspirations. I refuse to let go to waste those days searching for the perfect hiking stick, wrapping everything I had in "space foil" , and wearing my dad's white button down as a lab coat. I will be fulfilling everyone of these childhood dreams in some way or another.

Today, to satisfy my "hiker" ambition (I don't think I realized as a child you can't get paid to hike) I signed up for Emergency Search and Rescue training for the state of Washington. After 6 weekends in the wilderness learning how to locate and treat hikers, skiiers, lost people, downed aircraft, the lost ark , and strangely enough alzheimers patients, I'll be part of an official search and rescue team. We even do crime scene evidence collection which is kinda cool. Anyways, I'll be talking about my training experiences as they come, so check back often!

Oh, and let me know what you wanted to be when you grew up!

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