
"Those who believe in telekinetics, raise my hand" - Kurt Vonnegut

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Seattle Love

So far I love Seattle, and I'm gonna show that love by posting cool events and pictures. 

Thanks to the Seattlest for finding this. Now the question is... do I host or attend?

Sometimes all you want to do is sit in a stranger’s house, drink questionable homemade lemonade, associate with awkward film buffs and check out a few short films. Is that so much to ask? Not in Seattle! Because this fine city has what is known as Couch Fest, the increasingly popular, irreverent and slightly uncomfortable film festival that takes place in your (and others’) very own home.

Now in its third year, Couch Fest somehow manages to convince enough fearless Seattleites to open their homes to complete unknowns for the sake of bolstering the city’s film community. You can rub elbows with some fellow cinephiles, make new friends and see some great shorts created right here in Seattle.

There are three ways you can get involved. Firstly, you can pencil in Couch Fest for your busy Sunday, November 7. Just making time to express your support for local film efforts is always appreciated and needed. Plus, it’ll be loads of fun.

Second, you can offer your humble abode as a host house. Explains the (hilarious) website “You are, first, suppose to enjoy yourself. To host, you should be excited about opening your glorious residency to film lovers. On the day of the event, a new set of film lovers will be coming to your house every hour. They will watch a 30-minute program of short amazing movies. There will be a 5-minute intermission.

At a basic level, you should have a TV and a DVD player. Other than that, it's up to you. Some houses are excited about hosting and have developed themes.”

Finally, for all you Godards-to-be, you can submit your own cinematic work for consideration in the festival. The fairly lose guidelines can be found here. Submissions are due by October 10! Winners are guaranteed these delightful prizes: Golden Couch: A Massive Trophy and 2 Nights at my Parents’ House, Silver Couch: A Respectable Trophy and Legal Brownies, Bronze Couch: An Awe Inspiring Medal and a Thoughtful Mix Tape. Rad!

So pop a squat, cozy up to your film-loving neighbor, bring your finest Snuggie and enjoy Couch Fest 2010.

November 7, 12 - 5 p.m. // city-wide // FREE

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