
"Those who believe in telekinetics, raise my hand" - Kurt Vonnegut

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Design of the Day

Ok, so now that I have my first apartment to myself in the post-college era, I found I actually enjoy well designed stuff. In another life, I may have been a designer of some sort (but still totally straight). Everyday...er...every once in awhile.... I'll post something cool for all you hip people viewing my blog. Actually, if you're hip, you're probably too busy discussing austrialian indie bands and pretending not to care about anything. Whatever.

OK, so I read an article about this "dont-use-too-much-water-or-you'll-kill-the-cute-goldfish" sink. I get the idea, that you are trying to save water, and when you are done torturing a fish...I mean... washing your hands, the bowl fills back up. Ahhh you so clever! But did you ever stop to think that YOURE WASHING YOUR HANDS WITH GOLDFISH POOP! Kinda defeats the purpose of washing your hands eh?

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